....I think we all know the answer to this question.
The Wrath of Con
After months of planning and anticipation, our journey to our very first Comic-Con began very early Thursday morning. We left LA around 2 am (before Starbucks is even open!!), and with hardly anyone on the road, made it to San Diego a little after 4. (Note: The highway one takes from Los Angeles to San Diego, I-5, is the same one takes to Forks!) Since we had been receiving creepy Twitter updates about the Con all night/morning, we were not totally shocked to see a line wrapping around Hall H when we arrived at the Convention Hall around quarter to 5 in the morning. We decided to stop at Ralphs, where we straightened our hair and applied lashes in the bathroom and bought magazines and Snapples, then headed over the The Line.
Almost a thousand people were already in line for the Friday New Moon panel: Some were sleeping on air mattresses, some had miniature flashlights and copies of the Twilight books...we even saw one party that had brought their own hookah to the line. We were clearly not prepared for this: We didn't have our badges yet, and all we had were some Goldfish and two beach chairs: FAIL.

But all was not lost! Three Starbucks trips later, we got into another line to get our Thursday badges. One of our line friends texted us to tell us to run because the line was at the ocean...WTF. As we followed it...and followed it...and followed it...the line wrapped around the convention center and extended down the edge of the marina.Finally, around 11 am, we were herded into Hall H and found seats around the middle of the hall, although there were still two more panels to watch before the New Moon panel began at 1:45. The Disney 3-D panel showed clips from A Christmas Carol (bleh Jim Carrey) and Tron (who?), but of course the most exciting moment was when Tim Burton surprised the audience by bringing Johnny Depp onstage during the Alice in Wonderland panel.
When the Summit Entertainment panel brought the cast and director of New Moon onstage around 2, the screams were deafening, although I was surprised that the screams at the MTV Movie Awards were much more ear shattering. Since we had been up since the previous day and had been waited in line for about ten hours, Colleen and I thought we were pretty jaded at this point, basically thinking the only thing that could excite us was a Tylenol PM and a fluffy bed. Colleen even told me, "I'm calm."

Yeah, no. All I can say is OMFG. We died. It was seriously above and beyond everything we could have hoped for. The clips they showed were AMAZING (I believe Colleen shouted "oh baby!!" at one point), although they've been leaked onto the internet now by some crafty fan. (thanks!) Also, Taylor Lautner is so cute, and even though it's creepy for us to think that, the 45-year-old moms in front of us wearing homemade Team Jacob tees were even creepier.
After the panel, we checked into our hotel and had dinner with the Mirage team before getting some much-needed rest. On Friday afternoon, we headed back to the convention center for the TMNT Panel. Thankfully we didn't have to camp out for hours to get in this time, but it really put things in perspective for me to see so many fans lined up for the panel, much like we had the day before. I even got a little teary-eyed when they first started playing the old tv show's theme song and the interview clips came on screen. After the panel, I signed a few autographs and we were interviewed for a documentary about the Turtles: officially Comic Con celebs? Not as much as Keno the Pizza Guy.

Of course, Friday night was the big TMNT 25 party and debut screening of "Turtles Forever". No comment.

Saturday and Sunday were spent mostly wandering around the Exhibit hall...I still don't think we saw everything! We were tempted to buy the Twilight dolls, but resisted in favor of two old school TMNT posters which we will frame for our apartment ("Leonardo Leads" and "Raphael: Cool but Crude"). We also got some amazing cupcakes and Indian foods at a sweet buffet. Oh yeah, and of course the most retarded Twilight thing we participated in all weekend (No, it wasn't lining up before the sun rose-or the Dawn Broke- on Thursday). No get to the Summit booth, there was a line to wait in to get a pass to get to the Summit booth. BUT, to get in THAT line, you had to wait next to the line in time to pounce when the line moved. Yes, all this was to spin a Price is Right-esque wheel and for booth of us to win copies of Carlisle Cullen's crest ring. Oh yeah, and we also took pics in the Volturi throne from New Moon. Woo.
Our last afternoon in SD was spent at SeaWorld. After one dolphin show and walking through the sharxx exhibit, we decided to leave SeaWorld to go to Chili's because we were tired, hungry, and wet. And that's how we roll.
Komic-Kon Kount:
Hours spent in line...10 at least
Twilight themed t-shirts...too many to count, probably a million
Snape postcards bought...1
Dollars spent on parking...like, 100 probably
Ninja turtles...4
People dressed up as the Shreddar...1
Rob Pattinson...1 (!)
See you next year San Diego!
xo Emily & Colleen
Trying to Fit a Square into a Circle was My Life
You Know You Want It
And by "it", I obviously mean this amazing umbrella Colleen is modeling (bad luck!!)
In other bookstore-related news, tonight we had an embarrassingly revealing conversation with one of Colleen's coworkers at Barnes & Noble. While shopping for High School Musical 2: The Dance Along Edition, he asked if we had seen Zac Efron in 17 Again... Colleen answered, "Oh yeah...twice. And we just came from seeing The Hannah Montana Movie... Again."
America Runs on Edward
Snapes on a Plane

Today's Adventures
Celeb Sightings: Week of April 9, 2008
Holly Madison ... 1
Tracy Morgan ... 1
"Ron Weasley" ... 1
Dane Cook ... 1
Seth Rogen ... 1
Anna Faris ... 1
Ray Liotta ... 1
Blonde guy from Fired Up ... 2
Bob Saget ... 1
Leo Dicaprio (?) ... 1
Rob Pattinson ... 0
Forks, Wash.

As dedicated readers of our blog know, Mrs. Mike Newton made the voyage to the Mecca of all things Twilight-related, Forks, Washington. (You can see the pictures here, here, here, andhere... and here.) We decided to undertake this adventure for the March 20th DVD release of Twilight the movie. For some reason, we decided that the 21-hour drive from Los Angeles to Forks (the northwestern-most corner of the Olympic Peninsula) would be completely reasonable to do during a Thursday-Sunday period.

This story begins with two very naive young(ish) girls. We left the Greater Los Angeles area at 9:30 pm on Thursday night, aiming to be in Forks for the "Dazzled by Twilight" midnight release party on Friday night. Driving through the night, with only Starbucks and New Moon on CD to keep us alive/awake, we finally made it through the cow fields of Route 5 North to the glorious town of Redding, California. Yes, as the sun rose at 7 am the next morning, we were STILL in California.
Choosing from the cornucopia of delicious culinary offerings that Redding bestowed on us, we eventually settled with the Denny's. Two Grand Slams later, we paid our check and were told by our waitress that we should stop by on our trip home so we could see the completion of their railing, which was halfway through the process of being painted red from its previously faded green. Awesome.
Oregon is where we really started to lose our minds. Seemingly the only thing off of Route 5 North for all of Oregon were cows, sheep, and snow capped mountains. Portland, the city at the tip of the state, seemed to be an impossible goal. Somehow, we made it through to Washington, thinking our trek was almost at an end.
How wrong we were. As we exited Route 5, our navigation told us we had around 200 miles left to get to Forks. 200 miles. Not 200 minutes. 200 miles on a highway with two lanes. One going north, one going south. And of course, we were driving behind an ambulance abiding by the 45 mile-per-hour speed limit.
After passing a sign that read 40 miles to Forks, we soon saw signs for our hotel, the Kalaloch Lodge. Confused, we pulled over to see wtf was up. Is this the right hotel? we asked. Yes it is, they explained, telling us that they were only 30 miles outside of Forks. Since we already booked the Twilight package, we decided to go ahead and check in. After dropping and breaking our laptop in the parking lot (while going into an internet-less hotel room, mind you), we entered the room. Hmm... what was missing? ... Oh yes, a television. So. We had just traveled ohh 1,300 miles to go to a dvd release party, and then to watch said dvd. We had even brought our own dvd player. A dvd player rendered useless with no television.
After attending the dvd release party, we decided to go to bed at midnight because we had not slept in over a day, instead of collecting the dvd we had traveled so far for. In the morning we woke up at an ungodly hour to go on Dazzled by Twilight's Breaking Dawn tour.
Basically, one can sum up Forks, Washington thusly:
Residents ... 3,175
Vampires ... 7
Chinese restaurants ... 2
Cost of a 2-bedroom suite at the Olympic Suites Inn ... $58
Distance to the nearest Starbucks, movie theater, or Walmart ... 67 miles
Number of NY Times Best Selling books based on the town ... 4
Number of bookstores ... 0
Number of traffic lights ... 1
Parking signs at the hospital saved for "Dr. Cullen" ... 1
Number of businesses open past 9 at night ... 0
Carboard cutouts displayed in the Dazzled by Twilight store window ... 5
Nearest city with population 50,000+ ... Lakewood, WA (138.8 miles)
Nearest city with population 200,000+ ... Seattle, WA (142.7 miles)
Nearest city with population 1 million+ ... Los Angeles, CA (1044.8 miles)
Driving to Forks from the "Nearest city with population 1 million+" ... Priceless.
Moral of the story is .... We'll be back September 13th, for Stephanie Meyer day.
Scary Things
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